Sunday, 10 February 2013


SHANMUKI MUDRA  Shawn means six and mukha means the mouth. Sanmukha is the name of the six headed god of war, also known as Kartikeya. Mudra means a seal or closing up.

The posture is also called Parangmukhi Mudra (facing inwards), Sambhavi Mudra (Sambhu is a name of Siva, father of Kartikeya/kumara swamy/aayappa swamy. Hence, Sambhava is the progeny of Siva), also as YoniMudra. Yoni means the womb, the source. The mudra is so called because the aspirant looks within himself to find the very source of his being.


Sit in Padmasana. Keep the spine erect and the head level.

How to do: Adopt sidhasana pose with both ears closed with the thumbs,both eyes with the index fingers,both nostrils with the middle fingers,and the mouth with ring and small fingers.Inhale and retain the breath.Repeat om and concentrate on Ajna chakra(between the eye-brows).Perform mula bandha and feel that kundalini shakti is ascending the sushuma ans feel that kundalini shakti is ascending the sushumna,piercing the six chakras.Exhale and release the fingers.
This enables the yoga to enter deep into the heart,for the practice of profound meditation and japa.It awakens the sleeping kundalini and confers great powers to the body and mind.It bestows mental peace and serenity.


The senses are turned inward and the rhythmic breathing calms the mind's wandering. This brings a feeling of inner peace and one hears the divine voice of his self within, 'look here! Look within! Not outside, for the source of all peace is within yourself.' The posture thus prepares the practitioner for the fifth stage of yoga, Pratyahara, where he attempts to free himself from the thralldom of the sense and to prevent them from running after their desires.

Some of the other asanas which also helps in Obsessive complsive disorder are Sirsasana; Sarvangasana; Paschimottanasana; Uttanasana; Bhastrika; Nadi Sodhana & Suryabhedana Pranayama without retention, Sanmukhi Mudra & Savasana.

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