Tuesday, 2 April 2013


Makarasana or the crocodile pose is a great pose for all round stretching of the body. It is a pose that straightens and stretches the muscles of the back, legs, buttocks, and the back of the arms and legs. The crocodile pose in yoga is also a great pose to reduce stress and improve posture. The aim of this yoga pose is to release strain caused by other asanas.The pose is such an inclusive one that you can feel the stretch all the way from the neck to your calves.

Steps to Perform:-

Lie down on the floor on your stomach with your hands on the sides. Your chin and chest should also be touching the ground.
Stretch out both legs to full length.
Separate both legs and place them on the floor such that the toes are pointing outwards and heels inwards.
The feet should be at right angles to the legs.
Raise your head and trunk.
Take your right hand under the left shoulder.
Hold the left shoulder gently with your right hand.
Grasp the right shoulder with your left hand gently.
The two hands should be making a double triangle one above the other.
Place your forehead on the triangle. Your face should be within the space created by both arms.
Close your eyes and relax your whole body.
Practice abdominal breathing. Remain in this position as long as you are comfortable.Turn over
Lie on your back and start again.

Benefits Of Makarasan:-

Makarasana induces a complete relaxation of the body and mind.
Makarasana relaxes the muscles and relieves the fatigue after a strenuous yoga session.
Makarasana relieves and helps correct many breathing troubles and disorders in the genito-urinary system.
Makarasana helps to reduce-high blood pressure.
Makarasana stimulates the small intestines which, in helps the digestive processes.
Makarasana prevents scoliosis and flatulence
Makarasana is beneficial in Asthma. It is effective in treating respiratory arrhythmia also.
Abdominal muscles get an automatic massage while practicing Makarasana.
For those who have acquired wrong process of respiration (due to Asthma etc.) Makarasana is most useful.

Makarasana maintains the flexibility of these areas and is beneficial for those with sciatica, slipped disc, backache and spondylitis in the lumber region.


In this asana the whole body is relaxed. As the body is relaxed one is inclined to sleep which one should strictly avoid.

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