The Rabbit or The Crescent Moon Posture. Sasanka mean Crescent Moon. It is also believed that originally the name was Sasaka (Rabbit) Asana (Posture). In the final position of the asana the body resembles a Crescent Moon or Rabbit.Rabbit pose is one favorite spine stretching lengthens the upper and middle trapezius, rhomboids, and all the muscles along the back of the neck.
Corpse pose (Shavasana) marks the beginning and end of any yoga session. It is indeed very relaxing pose and easy to accomplish.Lie down straight on your back, hands on either side at a small distance from the body.Leave your entire body loose, eyes remaining close. Breathe slowly, concentrate and keep mind away from all wild thoughts.Be still in the posture for ten to fifteen minutes and you will feel totally rejuvenated both mentally and physically.
To begin this pose, you should first assume Vajrasana (Diamond Pose). Both your palms should be placed on your knees.
Keep your neck and spinal cord straight.
Shut your eyes and begin focusing on your breathing and your body. During the initial stages, you can practice it with your eyes open, but eventually you should be able do it with your eyes closed.
Take a deep breath and without allowing the elbow to bend, bring your hands above your shoulders. Equal distance should be maintained between your arms with your fingers raised.
Slowly exhale and reach down to touch the ground with your head and both your hands. Relax when the forehead and palms touch the ground. Some areas of the chest and abdomen will rest on the thighs.
Let your upper torso relax and remain in this position for a while. Make sure that your arms remain straight. The neck should also be kept straight between the arms.
To finish, you should exhale and place your palms on your knees. One cycle will be completed with this step. During the initial stages of your practice you could do 5 to 7 cycles.
Muscles: It strengthens the pelvis, rib cage, back, and arms. It provides an intense stretch to the back part of the body in the gluteals, arms, back, neck, and shoulders.
Joints: It helps in the extension of the neck, arms, and spine, and also flexes the knees and hips.
Heart: Practicing this pose helps improve the circulation of blood to the scalp, face, and brain. It gives a nice glow to the face.
This pose helps in regulating the adrenal glands.
When doing this pose, the stomach, spleen and liver are also activated, thus helping in their functioning.
The Hare Pose is also beneficial to the reproductive organs.
In addition, the pose is said to massage all the internal organs in the abdominal area.
Breathing: Compressing the stomach and chest reduces the capacity of air held by the lungs. Breathing also gets constricted at the area of the throat. Shashankasana helps in making use of the back part of the rib cage while breathing and in controlling the breathing speed.
Refreshes the brain and relieves depression, insomnia, and mental fatigue.
It improves concentration and memory.
Relaxes the nervous system.
It helps reduce emotional instability and anger
Precautions :-
Avoid practice of this pose if you suffer from vertigo, slipped disc, high blood pressure, and heart-related problems.
Great job..thanks for sharing this...